You can find metrics for research impact at the
Image by Pabitra Kaity from Pixabay
The University Libraries can provide training and assistance with measuring your research impact. We can help you
For assistance with measuring research impact, schedule an appointment with one of the following librarians and indicate what you would like covered when signing up.
Scopus, which UofM students and faculty can use to track a lot of research impact, assigns every author a unique ID, but these are automatically generated and sometimes generate multiple IDs for the same author. Using the tool below, you can connect your ORCID iD to Scopus, improving Scopus's ability to track your research.
While UofM does not have Clarivate Web of Science, its unique author ID, ResearcherID, can be registered for free through Publons, Clarivate's profile service. You can then connect your ORCID iD to your ResearcherID through Publons.
Besides DOIs, there are some other PIDs you might come across for works: