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Lambuth History and Archives

This guide includes information about The University of Memphis Lambuth Campus history, links to digitized Lambuth archive collections, and information about historical items located in the Lambuth Archives.

L.L. Gobbel Library 2000 - 2009

2000 - 2009


The library moves from location-specific access to an integrated library system.

October 2000

Pam Dennis is the new librarian.

By 2001

Students are able to access the library’s electronic databases and netLibrary books, as well as a newly-created library webpage. 


Creation of the Lambuth-B’Nai Israel Center for Jewish Studies on the library second floor in collaboration with the Congregation B’Nai Israel of Jackson, TN.


A gravel patio is built outside the library building with comfortable seating for students to read and study; a SmartBoard is mounted in the Reference area; a security exit system is added.

June 30, 2009

At the Lambuth University Board of Trustees meeting a decision is made to dedicate the Treasure Room as the Mary Cay Alexander Koen Treasure Room to celebrate the Lambuth alumna who became a member of the Board of Trustees and then its chairwoman.