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University of Memphis Libraries
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Virtual Book Display
2021 Book Lists
Virtual Book Display
Explore virtual collections of books and ebooks by monthly themes curated by University of Memphis librarians.
2025 Book Lists
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February 2025: Black History Month
February 2025: Women and Girls in Science
March 2025: Women's History and Progress
2024 Book Lists
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March 2024: International Women's Day
March 2024: Roman Mythology
May 2024: #No Diet Day
May 2024: Mothers Day
June 2024: World Environment Day
June 2024: LGBTQIA+ Pride
July 2024: National Be a Dork Day
July 2024: Disability Pride Month
August 2024: History of U.S Voting Rights
August 2024: Book Lovers Month
September 2024: Banned Book Week
October 2024: MUSHROOMS!
November 2024: Indigenous Peoples Month
Winter 2024: Life is What You Bake It
Winter 2024: Cozy Reading
2023 Book Lists
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January 2023: Science Fiction Day
January 2023: Roe v. Wade Day
February 2023: Spunky Women of History
February 2023: Little Lit Library Lovers
March 2023: Color Therapy and Craft Month
March 2023: National Unplug Day
April 2023: National Pet Day
May 2023: Asian & Pacific American Heritage Month
June 2023: LGBTQ+ Pride
June 2023: National Garden Week
July 2023: Space Exploration Day
August 2023: World Photography Day
August 2023: Mosques Around the World
September 2023: Celebrating Comic Writer-Editor Christopher Priest
October 2023: Leif Erikson Day
December 2023: Pretend to be a Time Traveler Day
December 2023: International Genocide Prevention Day
2022 Book Lists
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January 2022: Honoring MLK
February 2022: Black Joy
February 2022: Lunar New Year
February 2022: Love or Something Like It
March 2022: Write Down Your Story
March 2022: Women In STEAM
March 2022: Freedom of Information
April 2022: Library Week
April 2022: Read a Road Map
April 2022: Love Your Mother Earth Day
May 2022: Creative Beginnings
May 2022: Mystery Month
June 2022: Asteroid Day!
June 2022: All About Oceans
July 2022: International Chess Day
July 2022: National Culinary Arts Month
August 2022: National Hip-Hop Day
August 2022: National Aviation Day
September 2022: Banned Book Week
September 2022: Celebrating Graphic Artist Denys Cowan
October 2022: Hispanic Heritage Month
October 2022: LGBTQ+ History Month
November 2022: Folklore and Fairy Tales
November 2022: World Philosophy Day
December 2022: The World Cup
December 2022: National Day of Joy
2021 Book Lists
January 2021: Literary Escapes
February 2021: Contemporary Black Authors
March 2021: The Food that Cultivates Us
April 2021: Financial Literacy
May 2021: The Next Chapter
November 2021: Veterans
December 2021: Native American Hertiage
2020 Book Lists
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April 2020: Libraries in Books
May 2020: Mental Health Awareness
June 2020: Reading the Second World War
June 2020: LGBTQ+ Pride
July 2020: Anti-Racism + Allyship
July 2020: Americans with Disabilities Act
August - September 2020: Back to School
September - October 2020: Hispanic Heritage Month
October 2020 Gothic Lit + Ghosts Galore
November 2020: Elections + American Politics
December 2020: In the Snow and Ice
2021 Book Lists
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January (Literary Escapes)
February (Contemporary Black Authors)
March (The Food that Cultivates Us)
April (Financial Literacy)
May (The Next Chapter)
December 2022: National Day of Joy
January 2021: Literary Escapes >>