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Lambuth Library Assistant Training

Recording Questions

Lambuth Help Desk Analytics

Keeping track of how the library is used is important. We keep track of directional, non-reference, and reference questions asked using the "Lambuth Help Desk Analytics" page. Reference questions are those that require you to look something up or the patron to look something up with your guidance. Directional and non-reference questions do not require research. We record questions asked in-person, over the phone, and through email.

ALL questions asked of assistants should be recorded including directional as well as reference questions.

Directional/Non-Reference question examples:

  • where is the student union? 
  • where are the computers?
  • what are the library hours?
  • how can I print from my laptop?
  • where can I study?
  • how do I check out a book?
  • how long can I have this book checked out?
  • where are the Young Adult books?

Reference question examples are:

  • where can I find psychology books that are in this library? (look them up in the OPAC or on the Library of Congress help guide; limit to Lambuth)
  • where can I find the book Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone? (look it up on the OPAC or library website)
  • how do I find eBooks on psychology? (look it up on the library website; limit to eBooks)
  • how do I find an articles on psychology? (look it up on the library website; limit to articles)

View the slides in the tutorial below to learn how to record questions.