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Visual Arts

A guide of resources, tools, and research guidance in the visual arts: Art, Architecture, Art History & Museum Studies.

Finding Images & Video

Selected Sources for Images

Online Video



Kanopy is a database of more than 30,000 streaming videos, including classic, independent, and documentary films. This database includes a diverse collection of films in a variety of subjects:

While only faculty members and course instructors can request the purchase of a film license, any student may peruse and watch any film that is already licensed by the University at their leisure.  



  • Watch films on your devices, such as phones, tablets, and smart TVs with an Elon login, as well as linked in a Moodle site. Create a free account here!
  • Add films to a watchlist
  • Kanopy films come with public performance rights, meaning that they can legally be shown at campus-wide advertised events.


Kanopy Links