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From Active Duty to Veteran: Honoring Military Service in America

Fall 2014 exhibit highlighting materials from the Preservation and Special Collections Department and Government Publications Department.

Vietnam War: 1961-1973

Featured Reference Book

The Vietnamese War: Revolution and Social Change in the Mekong Delta, 1930-1975

This comprehensive and highly regarded study of the Dinh Tuong Province reveals a great deal about the course of events in South Vietnam as a whole. 

The Vietnam War

In a 1968 Associated Press photo from Vietnam by Art Greenspon, a soldier guides an unseen medevac helicopter to a jungle clearing where wounded comrades wait.

This photograph is featured on the cover of the Associated Press' new book Vietnam: The Real War (Abrams, Oct. 2013).

Bibliographies on the Vietnam War

Edwin E. Moise, historian at Clemson University has written a comprehensive Vietnam War scholarly bibliography consisting primarily of book titles, with a  number of articles listed in:
Broad Histories of Vietnam and the Vietnam War

Moise also includes a very helpful section entitled "A Note to the User"

Elwood L. White:  Supplement to Vietnam 1964-1973: an American dilemma

Philip K. Jason:  Vietnam War in Literature:  An Annotated Bibliography of Criticism.  Pasadena, CA:  Salem Press, 1992.  This recommended bibliography is available through InterLibrary Loan.

Searching for bibliographies in the catalog or in WorldCat:
 In the catalog, or in WorldCat, search by subject using the following search term:  "Vietnam War, 1961-1975 Bibliography"

Reference Books

We suggest you explore the list of references at the end of each entry, the general select bibliography, and the indexes (both the categorical index and the general index, as well as the appendices and glossary).

Government Publications

The University of Memphis is proud to serve as a Federal Depository Library.

The University Libraries is proud to serve as one of Tennessee's Federal Depository Libraries. Click the above link to be redirected to the Government Publication's Department.