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Qualitative Research

Books & eBooks

Finding Qualitative Research Articles

Tips & Tricks

Finding qualitative research articles can be very tricky. Typically, quantitative data is most common, so that's why it might be difficult. One of the best ways is to add the one or more of the following keywords to your search:

  • qualitative research
  • qualitative study
  • qualitative methods
  • interview

Since qualitative research is a little less common, the author often wants you to know that it is qualitative. So they will usually put any of these subject terms in the title or the subject terms.

Another way you can tell you are viewing a qualitative article is the by going to the Methods or Results section of the article. In this section, you will see whether or not the data is reported in words and is describing the participants' experiences, feelings, etc. If the methods are being conducted through interview, focus groups, or open ended questions, then it is most likely a qualitative research study.

Qualitative Research Example

Below is an example of a search for a qualitative research study on the topic of pregnant women who received epidurals during their hospital stay:

1) Search from the Libraries Homepage

2) Select Advanced Search

3) Enter key terms (adding qualitative as one of the keywords)

4) Change the format to Academic Journals

5) Using the advice in the Tips & Tricks box, peruse the titles of the articles to find what you're looking for.

6) If you get stuck, please Ask a Librarian!