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History of Women in America

This guide will provide information on different types of resources that can be used for conducting research.

Primary Sources Online

A primary source is a document or an artifact created during the period of time under study.  Some examples are newsletters, photographs, diaries, works of art, legal documents, and interviews. 

Follow the links below to explore a variety of primary sources of women's experiences. 

Find More Government Publications

The U of M Libraries is the Federal Regional Depository Library for the state of Tennessee.  This means we house 100% of the publications distributed by the Government Printing Office.

Government publications include maps, datasets, reports, congressional hearings and testimony, codes, statutes, and more. 

To search for government publications, many of which are available online, use the Advanced Search interface of the library catalog and limit Location to McWherter Government Publications Department.

Search Box highlighting how to find resources in government publications