How to use library and other sources for research in the Fogelman College of Business & Economics, including accountancy, business information, economics, finance, management, marketing, & international business.
Company and industry data for U.S. and international businesses. Includes reported financials, equity pricing, financial ratios, and industry growth and price performance. Coverage: past 15 years.
Use the Companies tab to find company profiles with extensive financial reports, analysis, and investment reports. Use the Industries tab for industry information, including Plunkett Analytics reports on financial benchmarks, metrics, and revenue forecasts.
Protection of assets is a concern for all: from the individual property owner to the multinational corporation, all have a vested interest in ensuring the retention of their assets, be it physical or intellectual. This collection, of journals, takes a broad view of this multimillion dollar industry, covering such topics as labor relations, mortgage banking, legal issues, and more.
Collection of CCH documents, tools, and resources on taxes. Includes sections on Tax Tracker News, accounting and audit, federal tax, state tax, state business income tax, financial and estate planning, wealth management, pension and payroll, and international tax. Alternate name: CCH Intelliconnect
The largest and longest-established company devoted to issuing in-depth reports and financial strength ratings about insurance organizations. Its flagship publication and database, Best's Insurance Reports, offers the largest coverage of insurers and reinsurers in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom and worldwide of any interactive rating organization. An issuer of fixed-instrument debt ratings that cover bonds, notes, securitization products and other financial instruments issued by insurers and reinsurers. Its debt and commercial paper ratings are used by capital-market issuers and professionals.
Easy-to-use online mapping with data on demographics, real estate, health, jobs and more in communities across the US.
From the classroom to the boardroom, thousands of organizations trust PolicyMap to find the right data for their research, market studies, business planning, site selection, grant applications and impact analysis.