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Dissertation Writers Resources

A list of resources for Dissertation Writers at all stages, based upon the workshops and materials from the Dissertation Writers Retreat.

Write with a group!

This school year, the University of Memphis McWherter Library and Center for Writing and Communication will begin a new interdisciplinary dissertation writing program which aims to help YOU finish your dissertation. You will be placed in an autonomous group with other doctoral students from a variety of disciplines based on where you are at in the writing process. While specific goals of each writing group will be left up to the group itself to decide—you will hold one another accountable, periodically check-in with one another about your personal writing progress, and voluntarily participate in online writing sessions. By participating in this dissertation writing program, we hope to make the writing process a bit less isolating and tedious for you by allowing you to share your experiences with others who are in the same position as you.

If you are interested, have questions, or would like more information, please contact Carl Hess in the Library.