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Wellness and Prevention

This guide includes a collection of diverse resources about wellnesss and prevention of some diseases and conditions.


Preventing Breast Cancer: Do you have all the evidence?

Breast Cancer is the most common type of cancer in women and the second most common cause of cancer death among U.S. women. With the diagnosis of breast cancer increasing world-wide, all women should consider themselves at some risk for developing breast cancer throughout their lifetime. The lifetime risk of developing breast cancer for women is 12% (one in eight) and the 5-year survival rate is 90%. The two main factors for breast cancer are female sex (99% occur in women) and advancing age. Other breast cancer risk factors include non-modifiable (family history, genetic mutation, early menarche, nulliparity, primiparity after 30, late menopause, high breast density, & high bone mineral density) and modifiable risks (weight management, physical inactivity, alcohol use, tobacco use, HRT, night shift work, & environmental toxin exposure). Reviewing the latest evidence on primary, secondary, and tertiary levels of breast cancer prevention in lieu of controversial opinions, differing screening recommendations, and ethnic and racial disparities are crucial for those in a position to promote health and prevent disease. Preventing breast cancer begins with raising awareness of the disease, on-going personal and professional risk assessment, reducing risks, appropriate screening, prompt treatment, establishing referral networks, and counseling that includes shared decision-making. While preventing breast cancer is multifactorial and complex, the goal is simple: to minimize cancer and its consequences.