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Voting Resources

Here to make voting easier for everyone.

State Offices and Elections in Tennesse

Information About State Elections in Memphis and Shelby County

Learning About State Issues and Candidates

VOTE411 Voter Guide

State and Local News


Another way to learn about state elections is to look for political endorsements. An endorsement is when a person or group publicly says to vote for a specific candidate or ballot issue, and they will generally explain why they are endorsing the candidate or issue. If you trust that person or group and feel their values and interests match yours, then you might be inclined to vote for who they endorse. 

Some examples of people and groups who might give endorsements are:

  • Newspaper editorial boards
  • Political parties
  • Other elected officials
  • Community organizations
  • Advocacy groups
  • Unions
  • Other public figures

These endorsements might be shared on their websites or social media and reported on in state news sources.