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Online Student Library Orientation

Resources for Online Students

Online Resources

Online Resources

Access The University Libraries anytime, anywhere

The University Libraries offer a wide range of online resources, which can generally be accessed from anywhere: your dorm, your apartment downtown, a coffee shop in Chicago, or a museum in Paris. When accessing these resources off campus, you will be asked to login with your myMemphis credentials

Online resources include a wide range of databases and digital repositories that provide access to journals and journal articles, ebooks, mapping and data resources, and many different kinds of recordings and streaming services (including movies, TV shows, music, and theatre productions).

LibKey Nomad

 LibKey Nomad connects you to scholarly articles behind paywalls when they appear on Google Scholar, PubMed, Wikipedia, and many journal publisher websites through the University Libraries. LibKey Nomad works both on and off campus. LibKey Nomad is available on Chrome, Safari, Edge, and additional browsers.