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COMM 2381: Oral Communication

This research guide is built to assist all sections of COMM 2381 with their topics.

Using Google Scholar

Google Scholar at Home

For uninterrupted access to UofM library resources, click the three lined menu at the top of Google Scholar's main page and then click Settings and then Library Links. Type in "University of Memphis," and select "University of Memphis - Check for Full Text." Then click Save

Options then Settings then Library Links, enter University of Memphis under Show library access links for (choose up to five libraries), then select "University of Memphis - Check for full text" and then Save


If you need to search courts & cases, under the search bar on the homepage, select Case Law, and select which courts you want to search.

LibKey Nomad

 LibKey Nomad connects you to scholarly articles behind paywalls when they appear on Google Scholar, PubMed, Wikipedia, and many journal publisher websites through the University Libraries. LibKey Nomad works both on and off campus. LibKey Nomad is available on Chrome, Safari, Edge, and additional browsers.