Remember to choose Lambuth for your location when registering for ILL services.
1. Go to the University of Memphis Libraries homepage and click on Interlibrary Loan. This link may also be found on the Lambuth Library website found at
2. Log in to ILLiad (our Interlibrary Loan system) using your University of Memphis username & password:
3. If you are a new ILLiad user, you will be asked to register by providing your contact information.
After registering, click on the appropriate item under the New Request menu (Article, Loan/Book, Book Chapter, etc.). NOTE: Textbooks cannot be requested through Interlibrary Loan.
5. Fill in the required information about the item (red starred fields).
Login to your account at any time to monitor your requests.
Borrowers will receive an email when your item is available at the Library Checkout desk (print materials) or in your account electronically (article or book chapters).
Go to ILL FAQs for more information.