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Banned Books Week

Books on Censorship

These books are part of the University Libraries' circulating collection and are available for check-out.

Not student or faculty?  Visit McWherter Library's Circulation desk to obtain a Special Privileges Card, which enables guest check-out.

National Coalition Against Censorship’s Newsletter

Major Attempts at Internet Censorship in America: The Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA)

Internet Censorship World-Wide: The Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA)

Books on Free Speech

These books are a part of the University Libraries' circulating collection and are available for check-out.

Film Censorship in Memphis

Photo from Special Collections, University of Memphis Libraries

Lloyd T. Binford was the notorious film censor of Memphis until 1955 and he determined what Memphians could see on screen. He censored films for various and strange reasons, censoring all films of an actress who had been divorced several times, films of black and white children playing together, any Charlie Chaplin film, any Ingrid Bergman film, etc. (