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Tiger Blue Goes Green

Tigers Go Green Videos

Courses to Consider

ANTH 4220 - Cultural Perspec/Environment (3)
Role of culture in the use and management of natural resources; discusses how societies construct knowledge about nature and attribute value to it; examines how indigenous knowledge, alternative value systems and traditional management strategies influence policy decisions at the local, national, and international levels.

BIOL 4055 - Ecology/Environment Iss (3)
Ecological perspective on current environmental issues such as conservation and biodiversity, global climatic change, regulation of chemicals in environment. Three lecture hours per week. PREREQUISITE: BIOL 1120 and 1121.

BIOL 4730 - Urban/Wildlife Eco/Mgmt (3)
The study of interrelations and management of organisms considered part of the wildlife realm (game and non-game) in urban environments. Provides an exposure to information required to understand ecological and wildlife issues in urban areas and to develop management strategies for maintaining sustainable natural resources on disturbed landscapes. Three lecture hours per week . PREREQUISITE: BIOL 3050 or permission of instructor.

Earth Sciences
ESCI 1103 - Human/Envirnmntl Earth Science (4)
(GEOL). Applications of physical geology to understanding, evaluating and solving problems encountered in the environment by past human populations; study in management, utilization and preservation of archaeological resources. Three lecture hours, two laboratory hours per week. [G]

ESCI 3221 - Principles/Conservation (3)
(GEOG). Development of conservation ethic and wilderness concepts; survey of environmental problems, land use, and energy and resource utilization; soil erosion and crop productivity relationships.

ESCI 4201 - Urbanization/Environment (3)
(GEOG). Ways man has changed natural environment by urbanization and how physical features and processes influence development and function of cities.

ESCI 4231 - Water Resources (3)
(GEOG). Hydrologic processes and their application to needs of cities, industry, agriculture, and recreation.

ESCI 4252 - Global Environmental Change (3)
(GEOP). Characteristics of natural systems; magnitude of human alteration of environmental systems; history of natural changes in climate and landscape; impact of changes. PREREQUISITE: permission of instructor.

ESCI 4261 - Plan Sustainable Cities/Region (3)
Multidisciplinary and multi-scaled approach to understanding the sustainability of natural and built environments in planning cities and regions; methods for measuring sustainability; emerging development concepts and practices; technology, efficiency, social equity and public health implications of sustainability; sustainable urban/regional form of the future.

ESCI 4551 - Urban Planning Studio (3)
(GEOG). Application of planning process to urban problems and preparation of plans for the urban area. PREREQUISITE: GEOG 3451 or permission of instructor.

Political Science
POLS 4512 - Global Environmental Politics (3)
Exploration of major issues and topics of politics of global environment, including governing the global environment, multilateral agreements, issues of sustainability, and environmental justice.

SOCI 4425 - Environmental Sociology (3)
Role of social institutions, power, and inequality in shaping environmental discourse and action; dynamics of environmental social movements.

SOCI 4641 - Sociology/Global Environment (3)
Examination of interactions between physical environment in which we live and human societies which we have created; emphasis on crises of global environment and efforts toward sustainable development.

ECON 3580 - Intnl Economic Dvlp/Ecol Persp (3)
Process of economic development as adaptive interplay between man's needs and ways in which environment is exploited to satisfy those needs in both developed and less developed countries. PREREQUISITE: ECON 2010, or permission of instructor.

ECON 4230 - Economics of Ecology (3)
Examines the market system of resource allocation in the larger context of the natural world and ecological system. PREREQUISITE: ECON 2020.

Civil Engineering
CIVL 3140 - Environmental Systems Engr (4)
Fundamentals of environmental engineering systems with emphasis on the integration of the concepts of chemistry, hydraulics, economics, English, and social sciences as they can be applied to benefit mankind. Three lecture hours, three laboratory hours per week. PREREQUISITE or COREQUISITE: CIVL 3180.

CIVL 4140 - Environmental Engr Design (3)
Detailed design of one component of an environmental engineering system with appropriate consideration of the interactions with the other components; design standards, procedures, and legal constraints. Three lecture hours per week. PREREQUISITE: CIVL 3140.

Green Disciplinary Resources

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