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Is This Journal Peer Reviewed?

To determine if a journal is peer reviewed, go to the Libraries webpage. Select the Databases tab (in the grey tabbed QuickSearch box) and type Serials Directory. Enter the database and type in your journal title. Select it from the results list. Scroll down, and near the bottom you will see Peer Reviewed:  Yes.  If that topic does not appear, then the journal is not peer reviewed.


Title:     American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology 

Status:  Active  

Subjects:             Forensic Medicine, Medical Jurisprudence; Pathology  

Description:       The journal features original articles on new examination and documentation procedures, as well as provocative discussions of the forensic pathologist's expanding role-in human rights protection, suicide and drug abuse prevention, occupational and environmental health, and other key areas.      

Abbreviated Title:           Am. j. forensic med. pathol.      

Publication Date:             Vol. 1 (Mar. 1980)-          

ISSN:     01957910            

Publication Type:            periodical          

Language:           English

Issues Per Year:                4             

Frequency:         Quarterly-4 per year (1 each 3 months or season).          

Price:    US 879.00            

Publisher:           LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & WILKINS 2 COMMERCE SQ, PHILADELPHIA, PA, 19103 Phone: 800/638-3030 301/223-2300. Fax: 301/223-2400  

Email:   ORDERS@LWW.COM    

Publisher URL:  

Subscription Details:      LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & WILKINS, PO BOX 1600, HAGERSTOWN, MD, 21740. Phone: 800/638-3030 301/223-2470. Fax: 301/223-2470. Email: AGENTS@LWW.COM.        

Editors:                Vincent J.M. Di Maio     


LC Classification:              RA1001

Dewey Classification:    614/.1/

Universal Decimal Classification:             61          

CONSER:              005664235          

Peer Reviewed:               Yes        

Copyright Clearance Center Registered:               Yes        

Accession Number:        043561315          

Evaluating Web Sites

Evaluation of Web documents

How to interpret the basics

Accuracy of Web Documents
Who wrote the page and can you contact him or her?
What is the purpose of the document and why was it produced?
Is this person qualified to write this document?

Make sure author provides e-mail or contact address/phone number.
Know the distinction between author and webmaster.

Authority of Web Documents
Who wrote the page and can you contact him or her?
What is the purpose of the document and why was it produced
Is this person qualified to write this document?

What credentials are listed for the authors?
Where is the document published?
Check the URL domain.

Objectivity of Web Documents
What goals/objectives does this page meet?
How detailed is the information?
What opinions (if any) are expressed by the author?

Determine if page is a mask for advertising; if so information might be biased.
View any Web page as you would an infomercial on television. Ask yourself why it was written and for whom.

Currency of Web Documents
When was it produced? When was it updated?
How up-to-date are the links (if any)?

How many dead links are on the page?
Are the links current or updated regularly?

Coverage of the Web Documents
Are the links (if any) evaluated and do they complement the document's theme?

If page requires special software to view the information, how much are you missing if you don't have the software?

Is it free, or is there a fee to obtain the information?

Is there an option for text only, or frames, or a suggested browser for better viewing?

Putting it all together:

Accuracy: If your page lists the author and institution that published the page and provides a way of contacting him/her and. . .

Authority: If your page lists the author credentials and its domain is preferred (.edu, .gov, .org, or .net). . .

Objectivity: If your page provides accurate information with limited advertising and it is objective in presenting the information, and. . .

Currency: If your page is current and updated regularly (as stated on the page) and the links (if any) are also up-to-date, and. . .

Coverage: If you can view the information properly--not limited to fees, browser technology, or software requirement, then. . .

You may have a webpage that could be of value to your research!