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SOCI 3422: Racial & Ethnic Minorities in the U.S.

Help on Campus

Free writing assistance is available at the Center for Writing and Communication.  Stop by to get feedback on any writing assignment for any class.  Be sure to bring a research paper, essay, or essay exam *and* the original assignment sheet with you. Schedule an appointment or just come on by (Library Learning Commons).   

Contact the Educational Support Program for information on tutors.


Citing and organizing

Style Guide (American Sociological Association)

For quick help: Purdue's Online Writing Lab (ASA Style)


RefWorks is an online tool available to students, faculty, and staff at the U of M.  Use it to store a list of references and sources for your papers and projects--it even includes links to articles and full-text content available through the Libraries.  Its "write-n-cite" feature helps you to format both in-text and reference list citations.

Set up a free account, view online tutorials, or come to McWherter for a free instruction session.